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#   Meta-analysis data for mesophotic reefs
#   Depth ranges of occurrence for major functional groups of invertebra mesopish, and algae on global shallow and mesophotic reefs
#   Caribbean Sea, Hawaii, Red Sea, Australia, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, 1973-2017
#   PI: M. Lesser (UNH)
#   version date: 2019-07-10
#   Published as Appendix S1 in Lesser et al, Global Ecol & Biog11/geb.1294DOIII:10.1111/geb.12940
Species                                                                 MinDepth  MaxDepth  Taxon                      Location                        Analysis  
Cirrhipathes_cf._anguina_                                               9         152       Antiparthia                Hawaii                          Benthic   
Antipathes_griggi_                                                      10        99        Antiparthia                Hawaii                          Benthic   
Stichopathes?_sp.                                                       10        61        Antiparthia                Hawaii                          Benthic   
Antipathes_grandis_                                                     28        127       Antiparthia                Hawaii                          Benthic